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about us​


The See Group engages in an interdisciplinary approach to tackle fundamental questions related to electrochemical devices. We combine expertise in materials chemistry, analytical chemistry, and electrochemistry to gain a thorough understanding of the bulk and interfacial structure of active materials during and as a result of charge transfer processes. Perturbations of the chemistry in both the solid-state and solution will allow us to develop detailed structure-property relationships. We prepare energy storage and employ a suite of tools including electroanalytical chemistry, spectroscopy, synchrotron characterization, as well as in situ techniques including Raman and UV-Vis spectroscopy to characterize processes occurring in the solid-state as well as those at interfaces. Understanding charge transfer mechanisms in these devices will further the fundamental knowledge of redox processes and enable better materials design and ultimately more efficient devices.

Diversity and Inclusion.

Kim and the See Group members strongly value diversity and inclusion. All group members sign a document that dictates group conduct expectations. The document states:


​Several groups on campus are devoted to promoting a diverse and inclusive campus culture and links to their web pages can be found on the links page.

"The See Lab is an entirely inclusive environment and values the diverse experiences, perspectives, and identities each member brings to the group. All group members have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect and to confront instances of bias in the workplace and within themselves. Behavior in the lab, in the offices, and at group events that discriminates against anyone will not be tolerated. Such behavior includes disrespectful language and/or actions surrounding (but not limited to) race, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, ability, ethnicity, origin, socioeconomic class, background, appearance, diet, etc.

If you ever feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in the group, you are strongly encouraged to talk to Kim so she can address the situation. Allies should speak up against discrimination and offer support."


The backbone of our work lies in the versatile field of electrochemistry. Our goal is determine the structure-property relationships that govern redox processes in various systems. We are interested in structural changes in the bulk as well as those at interfaces as a result of charge transfer.


In order to develop structure-property relationships, we perturb the system by preparing various material families both in the solid-state and in solution. Careful design of materials allows us to understand how their structures change as a result of redox processes.


Thorough  characterization is essential to developing the structure-property relationships we use to inform the design of new and better performing systems. In addition to electrochemical characterization, we use several diffraction, spectroscopic, and synchrotron techniques.


group news and updates

Follow the group on Twitter for more updates: @The_See_Group

Kim is awarded a 2020 Packard Fellowship!

Kim is selected as a 2020 Packard Fellow for Science and Engineering. Read more about the fellowship and the awardees here.

Postdoc position available in the area of solar fuels

The See Group is looking for a postdoc in the area of solar fuels. For more information, click here.

The Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA) was awarded!

The See Group is excited to be part of the Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA), one of two DOE solar fuels hubs. See the press release here

Kim is elected to the Early Career Advisory Board of Chemical Reviews

Kim is honored to be part of the Early Career Advisory Board for Chemical Reviews. Find out more about the board here.

Our NSF Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry CCI was funded!

The See Group is excited to be part of the Center for Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry! The center is an NSF CCI focused on using electrochemistry in organic synthesis. See the press release here and check out CSOE's website here

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Zac Iton!

Many congratulations to Zac Iton who successfully passed his candidacy exam today!

Dr. Forrest Laskowski receives the Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship

Many congratulations to Dr Forrest Laskowski for being awarded the prestigious Arnold. O Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship!.

The lab is open at reduced capacity!

We are excited to get back in the lab at reduced capacity. We are taking many precautions to ensure the safety of our group members and community including required physical distancing, masks, building protocols, etc.

New group member!

We are thrilled to (finally!) welcome Steven Stradley officially to the team! Check out his bio in the members page.

Anion redox in Li-rich sulfides study published!

Many congratulations to co-first authors Charlie and Josh, along with coauthor Andy and collaborators, on their paper characterizing multielectron redox in Li-rich sulfides that's out today in J. Am. Chem. Soc.!

The See lab is shut down

To help prevent the spread of CoVid-19, the See lab is officially shut down. We will continue to safely work from home as best we can. We are hoping everyone is able to stay healthy and safe.

The See Group warmly welcomes our new G1s!

The See Group is very proud to welcome first year Chemistry students Brian Lee, Eshaan Patheria, Kim Pham, and Michelle Qian to the group! Check out their bios on the members page.

Kim wins the Science Award Electrochemistry

Kim traveled to Wolfsburg, Germany to compete for the international Science Award Electrochemistry. Kim was recognized by a six-member jury of experts for "her outstanding contribution to research into multivalent ion and sulphur batteries." The award is a joint initiative between Volkswagen and BASF. Find out more about the award here.

We welcome Dr. Forrest Laksowski to the group!

The See Group is excited to welcome our newest postdoc, Dr. Forrest Laskowski, to the group! Forrest comes to us from the Boettcher group at the University of Oregon. Check out his most recent publication in Nature Materials here! Find out more about Forrest himself in the member page.

Steve Kim passes candidacy!

Many congratulations to Steve Kim who passed his candidacy exam today!

Kim travels to Jerusalem for the Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium

Kim is invited to attend the Israeli-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium hosted by the National Academy of Sciences and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Find out more about Frontiers here.

Kim is a finalist for the VW/BASF Science Award Electrochemistry

Kim is a finalist for the VW/BASF Science Award Electrochemistry. She will travel to Wolfsburg, Germany to give a talk on her work in November at the Science Dialog in which "the most recent developments and challenges in applied research in electrochemistry" will be discussed.

Zac Iton is awarded the Bill H. James Foundation for Aspiring African-American Engineers Scholarship!

Many, many congratulations to Zac Iton who was awarded the Bill H. James Foundation for Aspiring African-American Engineers 2019-2020 Scholarship! Check out the announcement here!

We are excited to welcome Zac Iton to the group!

We are thrilled to welcome Zac Iton to the group! Zac will be working on divalent ionics. Check out Zac's bio in the members page.

Sarah's paper on electrolytes for Mg-S batteries is out!

Check out Sarah's paper probing MACC as an electrolyte for Mg-S batteries published in Inorganic Chemistry: You can read a bit more about the paper in the publications tab.

Congratulations to Charlie Hansen!

Charlie has earned his Masters in Chemical Engineering! Congratulations, Charlie! We wish him all the best in his new position as a Chemistry Fleet Support Engineer at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory - Bettis.

Our work is featured on the cover of Chemistry of Materials

We are super excited that our work on divalent ion conductors is featured on the cover of Chemistry of Materials

Kim is awarded the Beckman Young Investigator Award!

Charlie and Josh are awarded the NSF GRFP!!

We are so excited for Charlie Hansen and Josh Zak who were awarded the 2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! CONGRATULATIONS!

Steve Kim officially joins the group!

We are pleased to welcome Steve Kim officially to the group!

Andy's paper on Zn2+ conduction in ZnPS3 is out!

Check out Andy and Sarah's paper, along with our theory collaborators including the Bernardi and Schleife groups, published in Chemistry of Materials You can read a bit more about the paper in the publications tab.

Josh Zak is a PhD candidate!!

Many congratulations to Josh Zak for passing his oral candidacy exam today!

Sarah Bevilacqua is a PhD candidate!!

Many congratulations to Sarah Bevilacqua for passing her oral candidacy exam today!

The See Group welcomes Skyler Ware to the team!

We are very excited to welcome Skyler Ware to the group!

Sarah is awarded the Resnick Institute Graduate Fellowship!

Many, many congratulations to Sarah Bevilacqua, who was was awarded the Resnick Institute Graduate Fellowship! More information about the Resnick Institute and the fellowship program can be found at:

Charlie Hansen is a PhD Candidate!

Congratulations to Charlie Hansen for passing his candidacy exam today!

Kim is awarded the ECS Toyota Young Investigator Fellowship!

Kim is selected as an ECS 2018-2019 Toyota Young Investigator Fellow:


We will be evaluating multi-electron cathodes for Li-ion batteries and are excited for the opportunity to interface with the ECS and the Toyota Research Institute!

The See Group welcomes our second incoming G1 for the summer!

We are pleased to welcome Skyler Ware to the group for the summer! Skyler will be working on new electrolytes for energy storage.

The See Group welcomes our first incoming G1 for the summer!

We are pleased to welcome Ruben Mirzoyan to the group for the summer! Ruben will be working on new materials for energy storage.

Welcome to our summer undergraduate!

We are pleased to welcome Kim Pham to the group! Kim is a WAVE Fellow ( from Brown University.

Labwarming party today at 3 pm!

Come join us for our official labwarming party today at 3 pm!! Come learn about batteries, have a beverage, and eat some snacks!

Charlie joins the group!

We are thrilled to welcome Charlie as an official member of the See Group!

Andy is awarded a Resnick Sustainability Institute Prize Postdoctoral Research Fellowship!

Andy has been awarded a Resnick Sustainability Institute Prize Postdoctoral Research Fellowship! Congratulations, Andy!! Find out more about this program here:

See how excited Andy is here.

The group is growing!

The See Group welcomes new members Sarah Bevilacqua and Josh Zak to the team!

See Group Meeting!

We will hold our first group meeting on Tuesday, September 26 at 3 pm! Email Kim for location if you're interested in attending.

Welcome to our first postdoc!

Welcome Dr. Andy Martinolich to the team! Andy comes to us from Colorado State where he worked with Prof. Jamie Neilson understanding solid-state reaction pathways.

Kim is awarded the ECS Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award

Kim is awarded the Electrochemical Society's Battery Division Postdoctoral Associate Research Award Sponsored by MTI Corporation and the Jiang Family Foundation. Come check out her talk on her postdoctoral research at the ECS Meeting in National Harbor on October 3rd!

Next Generation Batteries at the Canadian Chemsitry Conference

Don't miss Kim's talk on Mg electrodeposition mechanisms at the Canadian Chemistry Conference starting at 1:40 pm in the Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry of Materials Symposium in the Analytical Chemistry Division in room 205C of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Kim's seminar at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Are you in Rehovot? Kim will be giving the Materials and Interfaces seminar in the Perlman Building at 2 pm Room 404!

Electrochemistry course

Kim will be teaching Ch 117 this fall. Sign up!

Kim is selected as a Scialog Fellow

Kim has been selected as a Scialog Fellow to participate in Scialog: Advanced Energy Storage – "a program of search and discovery for truly transformative energy storage systems."

The See Group is coming to Caltech!

Kim is very excited to join the faculty in the CCE division at Caltech this fall!

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